We’ve consolidated our videos, guides, webinars and more into the AFS Business Learning Center. Browse the resources, and use the concierge service if you need help with any topic.

Fitness is an industry with constant churn in terms of people coming into the mix to workout and those who fall out of fitness – for a variety of reasons.  Even with more and more research showing the health and wellness benefits of fitness, many people who would benefit from it, simply don’t start. 

As businesses this leaves us with the pool of people who are actually willing to make it into a gym/fitness studio/etc. The good news?  Once they start, it’s easier to get them back if they fall out. 

Blog, Marketing

How do you change the world? I used to think it was through teaching people how to have a healthy lifestyle because if everyone understood the benefits of exercise and eating nutritious foods we’d have less disease, everyone would feel better, have more energy, live longer and be able to contribute more…you get my point. 

I’ve since realized we actually change the world through marketing because it doesn’t matter what incredible information you have to share with the world if you don’t know how to share it with the people who need it.

Blog, Marketing

If anybody is wondering why the indoor cycling phenomenon continues to grow at a seemingly non-stop pace, they need look no farther than the numbers. 

Based on research from the Association of Fitness Studios (AFS) 2016 Marketing Best Practices Research Report, indoor cycling studios generate 55% more revenue than other types of fitness studios.

Blog, Certification, Equipment, Finance

For the last 10 years as technology has expanded into and taken over other industries our industry has seen its share come and go.

There have been some solutions we expected to change the industry, others that were the next big thing, and so many that have saturated the market without much positive impact anywhere near the scale we need it to be.

Blog, Operations, Software & Technology

Market research offers studio operators valuable information that can change the trajectory of their business.

Research can provide thoughtful and impactful insights into a multitude of critical elements that influence how a studio performs.

Blog, Operations, Business Start-up, Marketing

How much is a client retained worth? Let’s just say it's much easier to retain a client than it is to find a new one. It’s quantifiably more efficient, productive and mutually beneficial to both studio operator and client when the two form a long-term relationship.

In the business world, retention is defined as the ability to keep workers or customers from leaving a company. 

Retention, Strategy Articles, word of mouth, referral, onboarding

All of us at AFS are extremely excited to be working closely again with the Club Industry Show to bring top-notch education to the fitness industry.  

As in years past, we thrive on the opportunity to educate those in attendance on everything from the trends we're seeing to the systems necessary for success.


A couple months ago I had the pleasure of co-hosting a dinner in San Francisco with equipment manufacturer Precor.  Of those in attendance was our most recent Studio Spotlight, John Heringer from Fast Action Training in San Jose, CA.  It was apparent early on just how passionate and dedicated John was to his craft.  The following spotlight showcases John's desire to surround himself with the best and ensure his clients are always the #1 priority.

Studio Spotlight

As AFS continues to grow, opportunities such as the one I was presented with recently I don't take lightly.  I was honored to be asked to speak at the NSCA National Conference (July 6-9, 2016) in New Orleans, LA.  

As stated on their website, the NSCA "National Conference is the premier strength and conditioning event of the year, bridging the gap between the scientist and the practitioner through presentations on cutting-edge research and dynamic hands-on sessions." 


Talk to any fitness professional in the Bay Area and I can just about guarantee they know Khaled Elmasri. His enthusiastic approach to changing people's lives is evident and his desire to make others around him better is one of the biggest reasons I was excited to work more closely with him and the Nor-Cal Fitness Summit.

When I met Khaled earlier this year I was drawn to his entrepreneurial spirit. From that initial meeting and follow up calls, I've learned more about his future aspirations including where he wants to take the Nor-Cal Fitness Summit.  


In the fitness industry when you come across great minds, it always presents a unique opportunity to gain as much insight as you can from that individual.  Learning from others, including their past experiences and education background can provide key references points to help you navigate your business now and in the future. 

I recently had the pleasure of being introduced to Ingrid Owen, who happens to be our expert presenter for our webinar "Setting up Your Programming to Increase Revenue."

Blog, Operations

According to http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/networking, NETWORKING is defined as... "the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups or institutions; specifically : the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business."

SOCIAL NETWORKING is defined as... "the creation and maintenance of personal and business relationships especially online." In concept, networking is straightforward and simple. It’s the practical application that can get cumbersome.

Marketing, Retention

Picking a software platform to initiate your keep in touch strategy is one of the most important elements of running a fitness business. Getting people OUT of your email inbox and address books and into a system that can track their path to you and notes on their activity will help you provide relevant information to each of your contacts.

When you can keep in touch in this way, it’s easier to provide value and, therefore, build trust and credibility.

Blog, Operations, Software & Technology, Client Resources

In today’s world, many businesses opt for “debt financing” to access capital and/or assets because it can be accomplished without changing the ownership structure of the company.  

This is opposed to “equity financing” which involves ownership structure changes, usually meaning you have to relinquish a portion of your business in exchange for the funding. 

Strategy Articles, Finance, Business Start-up

UPDATE (6/23/16): The 2016 Fitness Studio Marketing Best Practices Report has been released! Learn more about this ground breaking research!

At AFS, one of our biggest priorities is conducting on-going market research to uncover best practices for the fitness studio community.  This couldn't be more apparent with our soon to be released, 2016 Fitness Studio Marketing Best Practices Research Report!

In recent years we've released our 2014 Fitness Studio Industry Research Study along with our 2015 Fitness Studio Operating & Financial Benchmarking Report - both reports, a first for the fitness industry!  


"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it, keep looking. Don't settle." - Steve Jobs

I recently had the pleasure of co-hosting a focus group/roundtable with some of the brightest studio owners in the San Francisco Bay Area.  At AFS, we always jump at the chance to assemble these types of events.  It's essential that we fully understand exactly what our members are going through.  


The daily operations of your studio are all consuming, never-ending and forever changing. You work in your business 24/7, you wear every hat in the house and you do it all. This begs the question, how well are you doing it all?

Your staff is there to support your efforts and help you grow your business, whether yours is a staff of one or several.

Strategy Articles, Operations, Human Resources, systems

As you may know, two domain extensions recently launched that are a perfect match for fitness professionals looking to strengthen their digital brand: ‘dot-fitness’ (.fitness) and ‘dot-training’ (.training).

These new domains allow you to create short, meaningful web addresses that stand out from the crowd and speak to your passion. Having a strong web presence is critical to the success of any business, and it’s even more important in the incredibly competitive fitness industry.

Blog, Website

All hiring should be done carefully to make sure that the right candidates are selected and brought on board properly.

A quality hire may become a long-term valuable asset to your business, while hiring the wrong person can cause stress on all involved, hurt your business and waste resources causing you to start again.

Blog, Operations

In the digital age, having a strong web presence is critical to the success of any business. That’s why it’s more important than ever to have a web address that is memorable and meaningful to your target audience.

Fortunately, two new domain extensions just launched that are a perfect match for fitness professionals looking to pump up their digital brand: .FITNESS and .TRAINING.

Blog, Marketing, Website