Coursework Information 
Each of the courses within this learning path will provide you an understanding of what it takes to build a unique and differentiated value proposition, then market and sell it to the community.
Before you can market your business to consumers, it’s imperative to establish a value proposition, or brand promise that sets your business apart from the competition. Once this is accomplished, then the next step is to create a marketing strategy that reaches the right audience with the right message. Finally, once the story is out, it has to drive purchase intent, a process that often requires a highly personal touch.
Key Takeaways include:
- The role your fitness studio’s brand promise and value proposition play in establishing your brand
- Learning the marketing strategies that tells a brand’s story, build’s its image, educates the consumer, and drives traffic
- Describe what is meant by digital marketing and why it’s so important to driving success in today’s fitness studio environment
- Demonstrate the most important skills needed to be a successful salesperson in the fitness studio/gym business
CEC/CEUs- ACE: 0.4, NASM: 0.4, AFAA: 4, NSCA: 0.5, ACSM: 4
Course One - Creating a Differentiated Brand Promise and Brand Positioning
Learning Objectives
- Describe what a brand promise is, and its importance to your brand’s overall marketing strategy
- Learn what is meant by positioning, and furthermore, describe the role your brand promise and accompanying value proposition play in your business success
- Be able to describe the various attributes or elements of a brand promise that can help to define it as unique and differentiated
- Identify some of the various brand promises, and brand positioning strategies from the fitness studio industry that have allowed their respective brands to become market leaders
Learning Activities
- Creating a Unique and Compelling Brand Promise for Your Studio
- Does Your Brand Resonate with Consumers
- Essentials of Branding
- Creating a Differentiated Brand Promise
- Building Your Brand’s Identity
Course Two - Marketing: What it Is, How to Use It, and Strategies that Work
Learning Objectives
- Clearly articulate what marketing is, and how marketing is used to communicate a brand’s story to the marketplace
- Define and describe the primary roles marketing plays for any business
- Know the difference between marketing strategies that tells a brand’s story, build’s its image, educates the consumer, and drives customer traffic
- Be able to describe what a marketing plan is, why it’s critical to building and operating a successful fitness studio, followed by describing the basic elements of a well-constructed marketing plan
- Describe the various types of traditional marketing strategies (non-digital) that fitness business can use to communicate to consumers who they are, why they are unique, why they are the right choice, and finally, and why they should purchase now
- Learn the marketing strategies that fitness studio operators have found to be the most beneficial to them in driving new client traffic.
Learning Activities
- Marketing that Drives Traffic
- Marketing Essentials – The How, What and Why
- Marketing Tips for Small Budgets
- Generating Leads with a Fitness Study
- Cross Promotions with Community Partners
- Plus more!
Course Three - Digital Marketing Savvy; Using Technology to Grow Your Business
Learning Objectives
- Learn what is meant by digital marketing and why it’s so important to driving success in today’s fitness environment
- Describe the various digital marketing approaches that a fitness studio can use to build its brand and drive customer traffic, along with indicating which digital approaches are best suited for storytelling, building your brand’s image, and driving new customer traffic
- Identify the do’s and don’ts of using various digital marketing approaches when it comes to building your brand story and driving new and existing customer traffic
- Learn the terms “digital middlemen” and “digital coupon sites” and how they might play a role in your marketing plan
Learning Activities
- Digital Marketplaces for Promoting Your Studio
- Marketing for the Digital Marketplace
- Tips for Leveraging Social Media
- Social Media Marketing Primer
- Content Marketing on Social Media
- And more!
Course Four - Sales, Sales Management and the Role of Relationship Selling
Learning Objectives
- Describe what sales management is, why it’s important, and what the role an owner/manager plays in the sales management process
- Learn the actions and tasks that are routinely involved in the sales management process
- Demonstrate some of the most important skills needed to be a successful salesperson
- Get an understanding of consumers’ purchasing profile
- Learn the relationship selling process, along with demonstrating an aptitude for using the relationship selling process in the course of selling your services
Learning Activities
- The Art of Selling to an Individual’s Purchasing Profile
- Sales Management for Fitness Studios
- Selling for Fitness Studio Professionals
Testing Your Knowledge
Once each course is completed, you will take a short eight-question test that is designed to measure your retention of the content from the course. A score of 75% on all course tests represents mastery and will result in earning the designated course CEC/CEUs.
“AFS is providing a much needed business resource for studio owners and fitness professionals. There are several organizations available to the large club owner, but none targeted for the studio market…until now. I highly recommend you consider joining.”
Rick Mayo
CEO, North Point Fitness & Alloy Personal Training Solutions
Atlanta, GA