This blog post is sponsored by Fisikal

By Rob Lander, Special FBA Contributor

Restrictions of the past year have forced fitness studios all over the world to embrace digitalization in order to develop a ‘hybrid’ model that seamlessly blends in-person and remote training opportunities.

Rob Lander, CEO Fisikal, expert in digital business solutions highlights some of the key benefits of going hybrid to complete the in-studio offering.  

Extending Your Brand Reach

Extending the capability of your brand to reach and engage consumers beyond those willing and able to visit a physical facility hugely elevates the commercial opportunity of your business.

Suddenly you have a global potential audience. Through a professionally presented, custom-branded and user-friendly app or web platform, consumers can access your brand any time, from anywhere enabling you to build a global community.

That said, there is still value in the provision of an in-person experience. The ability to beautifully blend an in-person and remote experience is how operators will remain relevant in today’s fast evolving market.

Enabling a Customer-Centered Experience

In a hybrid model, the customer is empowered to self-manage their fitness journey. No longer constrained by restricted operating hours or rigid class timetables, the customer has the freedom to choose how and when they train.

Through the availability of live streaming and on-demand services, the customer can access content from anywhere, at any time, creating a bespoke offer that fits in with their individual daily routine. Training plans and exercise demonstrations are also available at just the touch of a button, meaning workouts can still take place even if a visit to the facility is not possible.

That said, we are social creatures and nothing beats the buzz of a live, in-person class or a tough functional training session on the gym floor. For the moments when people want the community atmosphere, there is no substitute for the live-in-person experience. A hybrid model offers the consumer total flexibility.


The tech ‘giants’ of Silicon Valley have all shown us the value in personalization. The introduction of digital services, central to the hybrid model, make personalization part of the package. Personalization streamlines a consumer’s experience, filtering out irrelevant ‘noise’, and creates a customer journey tailored to their needs. AI and machine learning capabilities will see this functionality accelerate in our sector over the coming months.

Does Your Model Cut the Mustard? 

If you have yet to start your digital journey or you have a solution that is falling short of excellent, have a no-obligation chat with us at Fisikal. Creating a successful hybrid offer is more accessible than you think.

In most cases, the investment in our solution is quickly outweighed by the immediate value gained from improved member engagement and the ability to create new income streams which you can market to a global audience

To find out more or to book a no-obligation demonstration, contact Fisikal at:

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Rob has over 20 years of experience in the Health and Fitness industry, as a former personal trainer who built a successful business of 50 sessions per week. Rob has also spent many years as an international presenter lecturing on “Technology in the fitness industry”.

Rob was the guy with the problem and is the content matter expert. Rob started with little knowledge of technology other than the vision that one day we would all be using it for many areas of our lives.

Organizations all over the world now come to Fisikal seeking our advice on how systems and processes can be optimized. As Rob has worked in all areas of the Fitness Industry this gives him multiple perspectives to help advise on how solutions could be created but also with his advanced knowledge of technology – what the future holds and how we can adapt internal processes so they can leverage technology efficiently.

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