By Jason DeRose, Special AFS Contributor

Can you guess what the most common dietary supplement is?  Would you be surprised if I told you Omega-3 fish oil?  Probably not, but it is the most common dietary supplement consumed by all age groups, fitness levels, and genders, thus it’s a one size fits all supplement. Omega-3 fish oil benefits our bodies, brains, and maintains overall good health.

In the health industry, this supplement is always in the headlines making it seem like a modern invention when actually it was popular since ancient Rome. Romans made their version of fish oil using the remaining parts of fish and took a spoonful of it daily. I’m glad we have advanced to a capsulated supplement!

Where Does Omega-3 Come From?

Yes, fish oil comes from fish, but you guessed that right it's more complex than that. Fish oil can contain salmon, trout, sardines, and tuna to name a few. Fish don't produce Omega-3’s, they get them from eating other fish, algae, and plankton. Also, the two main fatty acids in fish oil are Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).

Why Take Fish Oil, Benefits?

Our bodies cannot produce their own Omega-3 fatty acids nor can they make Omega-3s from Omega-6 fatty acids so, we have to get Omega-3s through food. The only problem with this is that if you’re not eating fish at least three times a week, you may not be getting your full dose of Omega-3s. People take fish oil to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, to treat high triglycerides, and to improve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Omega-3 fatty acids increase the good cholesterol (HDL) and lower triglycerides which decrease the risk for heart attacks and heart disease. The EPA and DHA reduce inflammation in the joints thus decreasing arthritis pain. Also, the healthy fats in fish oil provide proper lubrication to our joints preventing them from rubbing together, which is what typically happens when an individual has arthritis. Over the years recent studies have shown fish oil to improve cognitive performance and weight management as well.

What is CLA? How does it work in the body?

CLA is an Omega-6 fatty acid that stimulates the body to increase metabolic rates, heighten the immune system, and sustain lean muscle mass. Our bodies do not make Omega-6 fatty acids, so we have to get them from food sources. In the body, CLA functions to convert food into energy more efficiently, the supplement of CLA will do the same thing. CLA works in the body to keep fat cells from becoming larger thus assisting in weight loss while conserving lean body mass.

Consuming Fat Is Not A Bad Thing

Yes, that is precisely correct, eating fat helps you lose fat, surprising, right? Good fats that can help us lose weight include avocados, dairy, eggs, nuts, and oils (sunflower/coconut). So, you’re probably thinking, I will eat these foods and lose weight, well that’s not necessarily the case. The best food sources have tiny amounts of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). The good news is that there are natural supplements of CLA.

2 Types of Good Fat

You want to consume more unsaturated fats and less saturated fats. Saturated fats are found in processed food and cause health disparities if frequently consumed in large quantiles.

  • Polyunsaturated Fats
    • Contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids
    • Essential fats our bodies need for brain function and cell growth.
  • Monounsaturated Fats
    • Liquid at room temperature but harden when chilled.
    • Lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk for heart disease

Based upon health and diet experts, it's recommended that people take 1 to 3 grams of CLA daily. This can be accomplished through a healthy diet, CLA supplements, or both. It’s recommended people who weigh over 150 pounds take 3 to 3.5 grams of CLA daily to receive the benefits, which include:

  • Burns fat and helps with weight loss.
  • Anti-inflammatory function and supports the immune system.
  • Build and maintains strong bones.
  • Supports lean muscle.
  • Increase metabolic rate.

All these benefits sound great but remember CLA is not a magic supplement that will help you achieve your fitness goals. It’s a supplement, meaning that it should be taken in combination with good eating habits and an exercise routine. To learn more and order these supplements please visit:

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Coach Jason DeRose is the Owner/Founder of FASTER Fitness and Jason got his start from the ESPN reality TV show, Bound for Glory as the strength and conditioning coach of the featured football team with the worst losing streak in the country.  During the show, Jason had the opportunity to work with some of the most notable fitness and performance coaches in the world.  Once the show concluded in 2008, Jason established FASTER, his own fitness and performance facility. FASTER began as a part-time 1,000 square ft. training facility and is now a full-time operation in 7,000 square ft. with 2 additional locations complete with a smoothie bar, chiropractic services, and its own extensive nutritional/supplement line.

As nutrition and dietary support have always been an additional passion for Jason.  It was his mission to provide effective, clean ingredients, properly tested supplements with superior taste to his clients.  In 2017, Jason sought out a nutritional expert to create such supplements for his clients of FASTER.  With the success of FASTER’s branded supplements, came the demand from other fitness facilities to provide their clients with similar products.  Thus, was created to meet this demand and supply industry owners trusted supplements for their clients under their own labeled brand with minimal start-up fees and order requirements. Through, Jason has helped many fitness/wellness industry owners to private label his products as their own for the benefit of their clients and an additional revenue strand for their business.

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