Shannon Simmons, CEO
AFS members will receive a $50 discount off Fit for Profit Diagnostic Service. Contact Shannon for details.
About Fit For Profit
Fit For Profit helps fitness businesses implement systems around money management that allows business owners to 'Keep More Money' from the revenue generated in their business to fund their personal lifestyle.
Our financial coaching and bookkeeping services aim to give you the freedom you dreamed of when you decided to open your own fitness business. Through our Money Makeover service, you'll set up a simple, customized system to manage your money to create a profitable business from your very next deposit and get out of the check-to-check lifestyle most fitness business owners face on a daily basis transforming your cash-eating monster to a money-making machine with our specialized Profit First system for Fitness Business Owners.
Our company was founded in 2008, when Shannon, the CEO, left public accounting and serving to help banks protect their assets through auditing businesses to serve small businesses in growing their assets, their business. A few years later, she was introduced to the Profit First system and in another couple years decided to focus solely on serving fitness businesses with a customized Profit First service just for the fitness industry.
Our goal is to remove the stress fitness business owners often feel around finances, giving you more time and more money to do the heroic work you do in the world - saving the lives of your members! The business has now grown to five team members and with our current trajectory, that number will be out of date soon. The business is based in Indiana, however, 100% of our work is remote and our team members currently span the east coast with no limitations to where we might hire next. We've helped fitness businesses in both Canada and the United States and, like our team, there is no limit to where the benefits of Profit First can be applied.
Fit For Profit In the Fitness Community
We also provide bookkeeping services to support the Profit First methodology. Our most successful clients engage us at a level that includes at least a quarterly call with one of our advisors to review financial reports, profitability and other key metrics for the business and create a plan for improvement over the next quarter.
Connect with Fit For Profit
FBA members receive special pricing on many products and services.
Connect with a Fit For Profit representative to learn more about these opportunities!