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Have a question regarding your fitness studio business?

The AFS executive team and advisory council possess a combined encyclopedic industry knowledge, empowered by the unique AFS research providing benchmark and trends for everything from marketing to financial planning. 

We are here to help! Sales, marketing, retention, startup, planning, operations, systems, human resources... ask away. 

Before you submit your question here:

  • If you are an AFS member, consider asking your question in the Member Forum to start a discussion with the experts as well as your industry peers.
  • If you have a Basic account, consider asking your question in the AFS Facebook Group if you'd like to start a conversation.

Visit our member networking resources to learn more about the Member forum and AFS Facebook group.


Your Question

Because the expert answering your question may need to visit your public profile to answer accurately, we require that you log in to your AFS account to submit this question. Your question and answer may be featured across the AFS content network.