Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Whether you oversee a Group Fitness Department at a full-service gym or you own your own boutique fitness studio, keeping your offerings and environment fresh and exciting is crucial to your long-term success. “We are constantly asking people to change their bodies and their mindsets, but if we don’t change—the class formats, the environment, the way we cue—our members will get bored,” says Marydawn Taggart, owner of Maddog 5/1 Fitness Studio in St. Joseph, Michigan.

Now in their 6th year of business, we interviewed Marydawn to learn how she keeps members coming back and her biggest lessons learned in the past five years as a boutique studio owner.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Being able to connect with your clients in a way that builds trust and safety are two main ingredients to a long-lasting and successful relationship.  

Whether you own your own studio, are an independent contractor or are working in a health club/gym setting, the tips shared below by Dan Duran from PTA Global are essential learning techniques.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Having a presence on social media platforms for your gym or fitness studio is a great way to connect with clients and find new business.  But even with all the resources available online to help give your business a social media boost, it’s hard to know what will – or won’t – work.

If you’re feeling stuck or like your social media marketing efforts aren’t paying off, try these five tips to boost your productivity and bolster your presence online.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The annual FIBO trade show, the world’s largest fitness gathering, took place April 6-9 in Cologne, Germany and for the first time, AFS was well represented at this incredibly exciting event that attracted more than 150,000 visitors from all over the world.

Led by Hans Muench, AFS Advisory Council member located in Switzerland, and associate member Piloxing, AFS literature was distributed to scores of attendees, tapping into the high level of interest of many of the FIBO attendees and visitors, which included 1,019 exhibitors from 49 nations.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ever notice how inspiration can strike at the most unexpected moment? Attending a wedding last weekend, I seemed to be seated among the who’s who of power players in the local fitness studio scene.

It was refreshing to see that we ALL cut loose and escaped from our studios for the weekend, so I considered that we might be doing something right, clearly developing great teams to hold down the fort(s) as we create some work/life balance!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

A mission statement is designed to identify core values and offer purpose and direction.  You have probably been part of writing a mission statement at some point, whether a personal or business mission statement.  But have you ever written a mission statement to guide your workout routine?

This blog post is designed to offer you a step-by-step process of identifying your core values, purpose, and direction related to exercise and writing your personal workout mission statement. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

My background in the martial arts and fitness is very deep and wide. I am of the full belief that there is an undeniable synergistic relationship between the martial arts and fitness. Ponder this thought, what is one without the other?

For example, if an individual is “buffed” and in great shape, but cannot execute a proper punch, how well will he or she be able to defend themselves or their family? Another example would be an overweight, unhealthy martial artist. What kind of example is this individual putting forth?

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I've been incredibly fortunate over the past several years to share my knowledge of the fitness space with thousands of fitness professionals.  From trainers/instructors, to those aspiring to open their own gym or studio to incredibly successful operators - every opportunity provides me the platform to support our market - something I never take lightly. 

No matter what stage you're in, AFS stands for raising business standards, helping you manage your clients better and become savvier performers in a business setting. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Whether or not a client decides to become or continue to be your client depends on a few things.

1. You. Your personality, teaching style, knowledge and passion will always be the most influential component as to whether or not a client will remain a client. You are your brand and your brand is a powerful sales influencer. It draws people to you, it keeps people with you.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The annual International Health, Racquet & SportsClub Association (IHRSA) International Convention & Trade Show took place March 7-10 in Los Angeles and, honestly, it was a exceptionally exciting time for AFS and the entire fitness studio community.

We had over 25 formal meetings and scores of informal conversations with industry leaders over the three-day period.