Wednesday, November 23, 2016

As holiday season rolls around, we’re all gearing up for a season of friends and family.  In our fitness lives, member and client travel and vacation plans at times seem to relegate fitness to the last thing on everyone’s mind.

While it may seem like a last ditch effort, running a holiday sale might be one of the most beneficial tactics your fitness business can engage in before the end of year.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

It can be challenging to keep heart rate training terms straight - from resting heart rate to recovery heart rate, from submaximal heart rate to maximal heart rate.  This blog post will provide a brief explanation of some of the most common heart rate training terms and will explain how to use a heart rate monitor to measure each aspect. 

In addition, this blog will share some insight into how to make the most of moments of your day when you are not participating in purposeful physical activity (and maybe not wearing your heart rate monitor).

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Is lack of curiosity killing your ability to connect with your clients? Being curious was something we all were great at as a kid. Think back to when you were younger, you asked questions about everything as a way to learn about life.

In school, we gathered information by asking specific questions in order to get specific answers, which shaped our way of thinking.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

One of the most frequent questions I get asked about marketing to older adult is “What works?”  Trainers want to know where to go and what to do in order to build their loyal clientele of affluent older clients. 

Sometimes their current methods and strategies just aren’t working very well or they just don’t have enough time and energy to figure it out on their own.  There are certainly a lot of misconceptions that trainers have about how to find and engage with these potential clients so here are some tips to help you get moving in the right direction.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

No matter what stage of growth your fitness business is in: taking-off, survival, existence, success or maturity - developing a team of leaders is the most common topic I coach fitness business owners on.

As the communities we serve are becoming more savvy in their health and fitness needs and wants, the quality of team leadership is becoming increasingly important. Thus, the question...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Increasing your customer acquisition or conversion rate is one thing - improving the lifetime value of your customers is quite another. Lifetime value means repeat payments from the same people, a strategy that costs you 90% less in marketing than trying to attract new customers over-and-over again. Repeat customers are also much easier to upsell, and there are many other advantages to looking at lifetime value as a priority KPI.

Wearable technology is a relatively new phenomenon in the fitness studio, but it is already being used as a tool to improve the customer experience and keep them coming back.

Monday, October 31, 2016

With all of the competition there is now you have to find ways to set your business apart. Why should your client choose you over some place else?  The last thing you want to do is to get into a price war where they are only choosing you because you are cheaper. You can’t be the best and the cheapest at the same time. Don’t be tempted to play that game.

Instead here are a few ways to set yourself apart:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The 4th quarter of the year has arrived.  Many fitness studios get scared there will be lack of revenue and attendance will decline.  However, a small percentage see opportunity and abundance and a time to create greatness.  Which group will you be in?

The purpose of this article is to empower you with an arsenal of marketing and client appreciation strategies to fuel an incredible Q4 and gain some serious momentum to come charging into the New Year.  Let’s get to it!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

In the world of leading and managing a team, it is inevitable that we will have people on our team that act as little more than dead weight.  Sometimes it’s a bad hire.  Sometimes, its rooted in people growing disgruntled over time. 

Sometimes a management change or change in team dynamics can cause a team member who once was engaged to be disenchanted.  Fact is if you lead people over a period of time, you need a degree in psychology as team dynamics and engagement are ever evolving and changing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

In all my travels, one thing remains constant - the work we're doing at AFS and the projects, education, and on-going brand awareness we're creating is making a huge impact in the fitness industry.

With over 60 partnerships both in and outside the fitness industry - AFS' mission to support entrepreneurial fitness professionals and studio/gym owners is alive and well!